Beyond Academic Publication: Alternative Outcomes of HCI Research
Workshop at ACM Designing Interactive Systems in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | July 10, 2023
May 31, 2023: Submissions due
June 9, 2023: Participants notified
June 19, 2023: Position papers due (extended deadline)
July 10, 2023: Workshop held in DIS '23 at Carnegie Mellon University
Submissions may be sent via email to workshop organizers at: minyoung_yoo[at]
In the HCI community, there is more openness and interest toward different forms of research outcomes beyond written academic publications. These include pictorial papers, video/audio documentaries, public exhibitions, posters and brochures, design fiction, comics, podcasts and many more. These alternative research outcomes play a critical role in explaining, disseminating, and translating valuable insights and knowledge from HCI research to people outside academic communities. We propose this workshop to initiate the conversation among researchers in the DIS community in generating alternative forms of research outcomes. What inspirations, motivations and critical factors influence the creation of alternative research outcomes? Who is the main audience, and what are the barriers and limitations of making them? The outcome of the workshop will be an enhanced understanding related to how HCI knowledge can be translated to or created for different audiences outside of academia, and a guide for HCI researchers towards creating alternate research outcomes.
We aim to address the following questions, grouped in three themes, throughout this workshop:
Diverse Forms of Alternative Research Outcomes: What alternative research outputs have the HCI community collectively designed? What are the media, material, and tangible (or intangible) forms of alternative research outcomes?
Meaning of Alternative Research Outcomes: What are the factors motivating HCI researchers to create and contribute alternative research outcomes? How can more engaging and accessible forms of knowledge for the populations HCI researchers work with help to take a step toward supporting more equitable participant-researcher relations?
Alternative Research Outcomes as Situated Knowledge: With whom are they meant to be shared, and who benefits from them? How have alternative research outcomes been shared, disseminated and translated to the intended and broader audience? What insights might be reflexively revealed through producing alternative research outputs, and how do these formats explain and contribute to creating HCI knowledge?
Interested participants are invited to upload a short position paper (max 4 pages) with supplementary material.
[June 8 Update]:: We are accepting more participants until June 19. The minimum requirement is a position paper (max 4 pages). Supplementary material is optional. However, once accepted, submissions with a promotional video will be highlighted at the top of the selected submissions list.
The position paper can be an ACM Master Article Submission Template or a free-format of written reflection or manifesto that:
(i) describes your experience of working on alternative forms of research outcomes (e.g., purpose, forms, inspirations, success/fail stories, strengths and limitations, etc.),
(ii) why you are interested in the workshop, and
(iii) how your positionality, experience, or background can contribute to the exploration or curation of alternative research outcomes.
For supplementary material, we ask you to create a promotional video (max 5 minutes) that can showcase an alternative research outcome you created or were involved in, described in the position paper. These short videos will be shared via the workshop website with other participants /DIS audience before and during the workshop/conference.
Submissions will be accepted based on quality and interest and will represent a spectrum of practices, materials, backgrounds, and concerns. Submissions may be sent via email to workshop organizers at: minyoung_yoo[at]
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the full-day workshop in person or virtually. All workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the ACM DIS conference. Workshop outcomes will be communicated via our website, which will be maintained beyond the workshop itself, as well as through an edited special issue of a journal (e.g., TOCHI, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing) mapping contemporary issues and opportunities for alternative HCI research outcomes.
This one-day workshop will be held on-site at the conference with a virtual participation possibility. It will be designed for a maximum of 25 participants (in-person and virtual) to facilitate discussion about alternative research outcomes they create. The format of the day consists of interactive activities that include studio-style critique, an annotated timeline developed on the wall or a whiteboard with sticky notes, printed pictures and other forms of reflections, and a collective portfolio and small/large discussion groups to develop an inventory and overview of alternative research outcomes in HCI.
9:00 – 9:30: Introduction and Icebreaker
9:30 – 10:30: Collective Brainstorming
10:30 – 10:45: Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:00: Critique, Feedback and Reflection on Alternative Research Outcomes
12:00 – 13:30: Lunch Break
13:30 – 14:15: Defining Themes (Small-group Discussion)
14:15 – 15:00: Emergent Themes (Large-group Discussion)
15:00 – 15:15: Coffee Break
15:15 – 16:30: Develop Comprehensive Knowledge
16:30 – 17:00: Wrap-up Discussion
MinYoung Yoo is a Ph.D. student in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University and a member of Homeware Lab, where he studies technology to enrich the everyday life experiences of people at home. Min is interested in how research artifacts could be designed together with research participants. Currently, he is working with blind people to support their experience of reminiscence.
Arne Berger is a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at Hochschule Anhalt. He is fascinated by the complex, idiosyncratic and unintended interactions between humans and digital technology. His work is influenced by the Scandinavian tradition of Participatory Design, which recognizes that those who will be affected by a future technology should have an active say in its creation. Arne’s research focuses on the early phases of design and development processes, and he is particularly interested in how errors, failures, blips, and oversights shape how we think about future technology. Arne is one of the workshop chairs for DIS 2023.
Joseph Lindley runs Design Research Works, a United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellowship, which aims to understand, gather evidence about, and promote leadership for Design Research. Joseph is particularly interested in the role that Design Research plays in understanding rapidly changing relationships between individuals, society, and technology.
David Philip Green is a Senior Researcher for Design Research Works at Lancaster University and a former research fellow at MIT Open Documentary Lab. With a background in documentary making, his work explores nonfiction storytelling; from oral, graphical, audio and written forms to interactive, immersive and participatory media.
Yana Boeva is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences and the Cluster of Excellence “Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture” at the University of Stuttgart. Her recent work explores the introduction of advanced computational technologies, automation, and AI in architecture, construction, and the built environment. She has studied the sociotechnical and historical dimensions of digital fabrication, DIY maker cultures, and design.
Iohanna Nicenboim is a PhD student in human-AI relations at the Delft University of Technology. Originally from the global south, Iohanna had worked as a curator, speculative designer, and design researcher on various projects around digital fabrication, IoT, ethnography and ML. In her current research, Iohanna has been using posthuman and feminist approaches to design alternative interactions with AI, ones that are more situated and response-able. Iohanna is one of the chairs of the Pictorial track at ACM DIS 2023.
William Odom is an Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, where he directs the homeware lab. He focuses on developing a theory and practice of slow interaction design, exploring data alternatives in everyday life, and generating methods to collaboratively investigate potential technological futures. He has successfully co-organized thirteen prior workshops at prior ACM DIS and ACM CHI conferences.
At the conclusion of the workshop, we will collaborate with all of the in-person and virtual attendees to create specific strategies for sharing the outcomes of the workshop beyond DIS 2023. The purpose of the workshop is to initiate discussion around where the result of an HCI research project could go, named “alternative research outcomes”. Because this discussion is one of the nascent works in this area, there is a great possibility to investigate this avenue with other research approaches or design methods, with varying contexts in diverse perspectives. The principal post-workshop output is the collective portfolio that presents all examples of alternative research outcomes grouped by relevance and the rationale behind them.
For academic and research communities, what will come out of the workshop will provide a strong foundation and rationale for exploring different research outputs. The execution, success, and engagement of the workshop at the DIS community will play an important role in the later process of disseminating the workshop outcomes. The organizers will continue communicating with the workshop participants to publish the workshop outcome to avenues in the academic communities (e.g., conference papers, journal entries, book chapters or books). Additionally, we aim to jointly work on one short piece for ACM Interactions magazine, sharing the portfolio with the wider HCI and design research communities. Both outcomes encourage participants’ collaboration and exchange beyond the workshop and invite new contributions.
For a broader audience outside of the academic community, we envision that this strategy will involve many different forms mentioned in the above section (e.g., storytelling, infographic, DIY magazines, short videos, photo collages, performances, poetry, quick prototypes, etc.), polished into approachable online and offline forms. Online materials, for example, a dynamic and interactive web inventory or distributable handbooks/brochures, will be available as free of access. For offline outreach, installations, exhibitions, showcases and open workshops that can invite and involve a wider audience at events like Dutch Design Week, Seoul Design Week or London Design Festival.
Selected Submissions
Freesoul El Shabazz-Thompson, Wyatt Olson, Audrey Desjardins - Alternative to the Written Word: Documentary Filmmaking as Dissemination
Leya Breanna Baltaxe-Admony, Tessa Eagle, Kritika, Kathryn E. Ringland - Sharing is Caring: Community-Focused Research Communication
Deanna Gelosi - Sampling Club Showcase as Alternative Research Outcome
Hemal Dias, Takaharu Suzuki, Georgia Mackenzie, Federico Trucchia - Beyond 5G: Envisioning the Future of Mobility in Japan Through Design Fiction
Reece Adkins, Michael C. Stewart, Paweł W. Woźniak - Might Just Be My Everything: Research Outcomes Beyond Scholarly Articles
Violeta Tsenova - unTangling transdisciplinary knowledge insights in alternative formats
Alex Jiahong Lu - Toward the Relationality and Ethics of Producing Alternative Research Outcomes and Knowledge Dissemination
Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum - Beyond Academic Publication: Alternative Outcomes of HCI Research Position Paper
Yumeng Zhuang, Daragh Byrne - Come Follow the Drifts of Design Research: Narrating Accounts of. Design Knowledge Inspired by Non-Academic Literary Genres
Soorya Sankaran, Kathryn E. Ringland - A Grassroots Approach to Sharing HCI Research with Undergraduates
Vera van der Burg, Gijs de Boer, Almila Akdag Salah, Senthil Chandrasegaran, Peter Lloyd - Objective Portrait: A practice-based inquiry to explore AI as a reflective design partner