MinYoung Yoo
I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) at Simon Fraser University (SFU) under the supervision of Dr. William Odom, and a member of Homeware Lab (used to be part of Everyday Design Studio) in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
As a software engineer and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design researcher, I study technology that enriches everyday life experiences for people, especially those who are living with disabilities. With a strong background in software development, I look forward to blending technical skills with my passion for collaboratively creating meaningful projects with people with disabilities.
Currently, I am working closely with people with blindness to better support their experience of reminiscence through sound. I aim to design and develop an interactive device that can be placed at blind people's homes to mediate the experiences of capturing, revisiting and sharing meaningful moments in lives with their loved ones.
Besides academic dissemination, I explore alternative approaches for delivering research outcomes beyond the institutional paywalls, giving the results back to the participants and relevant communities in a reciprocal, respectful and ethical way.
My research interests are Qualitative Research, Research through Design, Participatory Design, Interaction Design, People with Blindness, Reminiscence and Slow Technology.
MinYoung Yoo
Ph.D. Student, School of Interactive Arts + Technology
Simon Fraser University
Surrey, BC, Canada
minyoung_yoo (at) sfu dot ca